Sovereignty Legal Foundation is a non-profit public interest law firm founded and operated by constitutional conservatives and is dedicated to reclaiming American’s individual sovereignty through litigation which targets government overreach. If you would like to join the fight in reclaiming our sovereignty, please donate or contact us regarding an issue of government overreach and/or abuse.
Our foundation is a registered 501c3 nonprofit organization.
Your donations are tax deductible.
Contact an Attorney
(615) 964-8000
[email protected]
105 Broadway
Nashville, TN 37201
Contact an Attorney
(615) 964-8000
105 Broadway
Nashville, TN 37201
“The people, not the government, possess the absolute sovereignty.” James Madison

Our Mission
We are dedicated to reclaiming American’s individual sovereignty through litigation which targets government overreach.

Our Cases
We represent individuals and businesses who have been victimized by government overreach and/or abuse

Our Experience
With more than 25 years of academic and professional experience with Constitutional issues, we are uniquely qualified to vindicate the natural rights of individuals and businesses.
Many Americans mistakenly believe that our rights are found in the Constitution; the Constitution, however, only outlines the limits of government. Our rights as citizens are unenumerated and inherent and were intended by our founding fathers to be paramount in our form of government. Unfortunately, for too many generations, we have allowed the balance of power to shift heavily in favor of the government and it is now time to reclaim our individual sovereignty.
– Kirk L. Clements, Esq., Chief Counsel
I have fought government wrongdoing in state and federal courts for decades, represented by nationally renowned ACLJ and a handful of other very good attorneys, but what our attorney Kirk Clements has done for my Layman Lessons Church Ministries in state courts and federal courts has been our most exceptional legal representation to date.
Sovereignty Legal Foundation’s dedicated purpose is to restore our individual sovereignty to its original prominence as contemplated by our founding fathers by targeting government overreach through litigation. Our Foundation represents individuals and businesses against government entities which have abused their power or in civil actions which are undertaken to target a specific government overreach which has unduly encroached upon our collective individual sovereignty. The erosion of our natural rights as citizens has occurred steadily over the last two hundred years, but we are committed to restoring individual sovereignty one case at a time.
Sovereignty Legal Foundation handles litigation at the State and Federal levels which falls into two main categories: representation of individuals and businesses who have suffered damages as a result of government overreach or abuse AND litigation which is employed to target a specific natural right of citizens which has been unlawfully restricted by the government.

Layman Lessons Church v. Metro
Layman Lessons Church v. Metro involves the abuse of power by the Metro Codes Department and its various personnel. Metro discriminated against Layman Lessons Church by distorting the laws and building code in an unsuccessful attempt to compel the church to tear down a storage building it uses to store goods which were donated to feed and clothe the homeless. When this discriminatory tactic did not work and a federal lawsuit was filed, Metro continued its abuse of power by fabricating obstacles in an effort to harass and retaliate against the church. This has been nearly a two-year battle and the Foundation is actively working to bring justice to Layman Lessons Church and, in turn, ensure other citizens and organizations do not face the same abuse and discrimination.

Spencer v. City of Hendersonville
An example of the litigation which is intended to target a specific government abuse of power is Spencer v. City of Hendersonville. Mr. Spencer, a well-respected businessman and a small government conservative, ran for local office and the entrenched establishment sought to defeat him by unlawfully employing a city employee union to defeat him. The matter has just recently been filed in Federal court, but through this litigation, it is the Foundation’s goal to not only vindicate Mr. Spencer’s rights, but to set a precedent state and possibly nationwide that government entities cannot use employees or unions to unduly prejudice good citizens who seek to hold public office.

The Local v. Metro
The State of Tennessee and Metro Nashville-Davidson County, in the name of protecting us from COVID-19, have taken unprecedented control of our lives, to include limiting our travel and closing businesses. Our foundation filed a civil rights lawsuit in federal court against the Tennessee and Metro governments on behalf of small business owners in Nashville to prevent further deprivation of their fundamental rights and establish an important precedent that the right to function in our daily lives without undue government interference, including the right to maintain our livelihood, should not yield even during a health crisis. This is crucial litigation as COVID-19 will be with us for a long time and if the government is allowed to arbitrarily claim an emergency and thereby operate as an autocracy, our individual sovereignty may never be reclaimed.
Our Chief Counsel, Kirk Clements, has studied Constitutional law for nearly twenty-five years and as a trial attorney has been handling litigation against the government for nearly twenty years. His passion for fighting government overreach and abuse began in college, where he enrolled and excelled in several government and constitutional law classes. This education quickly led to the recognition that our government had become grossly distorted from the original intent of our founding fathers and such had a significant impact on his decision to pursue a legal career. He attended University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law, where he continued his study of constitutional law, and upon becoming licensed to practice law in 2000, he began representing individuals when he could who had been wronged by the government. His cases have ranged from matters as simple as defending an individual who has been falsely accused by the authorities of minor violations to as significant as defending a church from a vast governmental conspiracy to undermine and discriminate against its First Amendment rights. Kirk’s passion and experience has culminated in the founding of our legal foundation, where he can fully realize his commitment to fighting for those who cannot defend themselves and he can dedicate his full resources and experience to targeting government overreach.
Our President, Joseph DeGraw, is a lifetime libertarian who has developed an extensive knowledge about individual rights and economic freedom by studying the works of such great minds as Thomas Jefferson, Milton Friedman and Thomas Sowell. He strongly embraces and believes in the concept of American exceptionalism: the sovereign individual is the key to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. While by trade Joey is a successful musician, voice-over actor and restaurateur, he has always been a staunch advocate for the free market, small government and individual independence and has remained politically active. He has learned in his various business ventures the stifling effect of high taxes, overregulation and government abuse and he recognizes the need to restore individual sovereignty. Founding such an organization as Sovereignty Legal Foundation has been a plan of his for many years and he has dedicated his resources and time to the fight to reclaim our individual sovereignty.
Our foundation is a registered 501c3 nonprofit organization.
Your donations are tax deductible.